
Marketing Ideas for November 2021

At this point you should be in a full advertising and promotion mode for the upcoming holiday season.

Below is a printable calendar for November 2021. Hopefully this easy reference can help you plan events, sales, and marketing. You certainly don’t need to create something for every day, do what feels right for your store.


  • National Author’s Day
    • Author’s Day and Family Literacy Day together make a great combination. If you’ve got comic books, great. If you’ve got novels, even better. Got RPG books, talk about those authors and books.
  • National Family Literacy Day
    • Find some family comics or RPGs that you can use to highlight the authors.


  • National Stress Awareness Day
    • This is a day dedicated to identifying stressors in our lives and developing strategies and skills to cope. Not only something to promote to your customers, but also a great opportunity to check in with yourself and your staff.


  • National Doughnut Day
    • The second National Doughnut Day each year, today is yet another day to celebrate these classic goodies.
  • Guy Fawkes Day
    • “Remember, remember the 5th of November.” Popularized by the comic-turned-movie V for Vendetta, this day celebrates the failed attempt to overthrow the British parliament by religious radicals.


  • Daylight Saving Time Ends
    • Don’t forget to move those clocks back one hour. Then figure out what you’re going to do with that extra hour. Besides sleep.


  • National STEM/STEAM Day
    • Today we encourage kids to innovate (NOV8) through Science, Technology, Engineering, (Arts), and Math. Find and highlight products that promote this.


  • Veterans Day
    • Today we honor all those military veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces. Also celebrated today is Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, marking the end of World War I.


  • World Kindness Day
    • We shouldn’t need a world day to promote kindness, but maybe today we can encourage everyone to go that extra step.


  • Star Wars Life Day
    • Probably the most infamous installment in the Star Wars franchise, Star Wars Life Day was an interesting attempt at capitalizing on the popularity of a major motion picture combined with a television holiday special. While the actual show may be considered a failure, the sentiments it tried to convey were not. Celebrate life, remember those lost, and spend time with loved ones. Don’t forget the Hoth Chocolate!


  • Mickey Mouse’s Birthday
    • First introduced on this day in 1928 as a rabbit named Oswald, Mickey Mouse is nearing his 100th birthday. Chances are you’re already carrying some kind of Disney-owned property – show it off!


  • National Play Monopoly Day
    • One of the most popular board games in history,known for tearing apart many relationships, Monopoly is truly a shelf staple. With so many special editions of the game , there is one for just about every customer.


  • TARDIS Day
    • Dr. Who fans, or “Whovians” as some may call them, celebrate their favorite five decade-old franchise on this day. Grab your sonic screwdriver and plan those celebratory posts or Dr. Who themed promotions.
  • Fibonacci Day
    • 1, 1, 2, 3… is the simplest Fibonacci sequence, where a number is the sum of the two numbers before it. So it makes sense that in countries with a MM/DD format, on 11/23 we celebrate Leonardo Fibonacci’s discovery of this sequence, an accomplishment that actually originated from a puzzle about rabbit procreation.


  • Thanksgiving Day
    • For most Americans Thanksgiving is a time for family, bountiful feasts, and the start of the holiday season. For retailers and store owners it’s the calm before storm that is possibly the busiest sales weekend all year.


  • Black Friday
    • Less of a one-day sale recently than in previous years, chances are big box retailers have already been advertising or even running sales for weeks or more. Hopefully you’ve also been running ads, promotions, and even some sales.


  • Small Business Saturday
    • Even if you’re running sales for Black Friday, save something special for Small Business Saturday. Encourage people to spend money right in their own communities, ideally at your small business and others in your neighborhood


  • Chanukah Begins
    • Also known as the Festival of Lights, Chanukah is an eight-day Jewish celebration commemorating the rededication of the second Holy Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century. BCE.


  • Cyber Monday
    • If you have a web store be sure to plan out some deals for those buying online today.


  • Giving Tuesday
    • Sometimes one of the greatest ways to promote your business is by giving back to your community. On Giving Tuesday, feature a local nonprofit organization in-store or online, and encourage your customers to support them. You could even offer to match donations that your customers make, or to donate a percentage of that day’s store sales.

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