
Release Notes

August 2024

  • Point of Sale: Point of Sale has been moved to be a channel, rather than baseline. This allows a single business to have multiple seperate point of sale locations, and is an early precursor requirement for multi-location.
  • Orders: Customer Names sorting has been improved to allow for partial names.
  • Store Credit: Store credit module added; configure this within the settings -> Reward Points
  • Loyalty:  Loyalty points module added; configure this within the settings -> Reward Points
  • Product Settings: Now allows custom filters on a per-category basis. Configure this within the settings -> Product Settings
  • Product Settings: Now also allows custom concatenation for the display names of products. Configure this within the settings -> Product Settings
  • Cash Register: Settings are now only available on orders where the status is set to editable. This can be configured in your order status settings.
  • Added Vendor Identifiers to items.
  • Added support for negative inventory quantity values Customer search soft limited to 35 results for performance.
  • Adjusted date and time to better match ISO date standards Significantly reworked logic on inventory in preperation for multi-location.
  • Added Advanced Inventory module, with its own UI.
  • Updated layout of purchase order screen, and added more details as options.
  • Updated the logic of the subscriptions and catalog to prevent null fields from blocking a subscription.
  • Cash Register will now default to the previously selected register by that user.
  • Added the ability to view order details on the order return component.
  • Changed Order Status to be a Boolean search Implemented 2 stage database structure – This will allow our team to work on catalog updates quicker, without potential downtime when adding data!
  • Added receipt printing to returns.
  • Fixed a bug where chained modal elements were overlapping.
  • Fixed a bug where vendors could have identical names, causing odd behavior.
  • Fixed a bug where cash register windows were scrolling incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug when changing customers that caused certain windows to become inactive.
  • Fixed a bug where store credit was not functioning on returns correctly.
  • Fixed multiple bugs related to refresh tokens.

Pre-August 2024

  • Refunds: Issue refunds directly within Mantle. Part of the refund process, you have the ability to damage an item so it isn’t returned to your inventory or return directly to inventory. You can also perform a partial refund or restocking fee if needed.
  • Database 2
    • SKU Decoupling (DB2).
    • A major rework to enable a single SKU to have multiple different identifiers on different commerce platforms at the same time.
    • Wildcard search.
    • Global database lookup, no longer need to specify what category to search in.
  • Stamps.com Integration: Integration of the latest Stamps.com SERA REST API versions.
  • OAUTH 2: Updating all security to OAUTH 2.0
  • CardTrader: Fully integrated with CardTrader.
  • Purchase Orders: Manage purchase orders directly within Mantle. Create new PO’s, receive inventory, and automatically update quantities on all sales channels at the same time.
  • Dashboard Quick Links: Each user in Mantle have the ability to add any link, inside or outside of Mantle to their dashboard to create a highly personalized work station for themselves.
  • Point of Sale logs: Enhanced Point of Sale logging. Details down to the second of transactions.
  • Sales Exempt Customers: Added ability to create tax exempt customer status.

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