
Marketing Ideas for August 2024

Marketing Ideas for August 2024

As Summer wraps up and the focus shifts to the new school year, so should your marketing priorities. Get your copy written and checked, get your materials designed and proofed, and set those social media posts to auto publish.

Below is a printable calendar for August 2024. Hopefully this easy reference can help you plan events, sales, and marketing. You certainly don’t need to create something for every day, do what feels right for your store.


  • DOGust 1st
    • This is considered the universal birthday for shelter dogs without paperwork. Each year countless dogs are put into shelters. Many shelters use the “Dog Days of Summer” or “DOGust” to run campaigns to find homes for loving dogs. Contact your local shelter to see if you can cross-promote their efforts. Also consider running an event where the entry is dog food or treats that can be donated to a shelter. Even though this is geared towards dogs, don’t forget the cat treats too.
  • Spider-Man Day
    • Introduced by Stan Lee on August 1st, 1962, Spiderman is a common household name and a sure fan favorite no matter who the current actor is for the big budget film. Look to run a special on anything involving Spider-Man and cross-promote with some Marvel merchandise. Be sure to share on social media so your community can like and share as well.
  • Planner Day
    • While this day is normally about the love of planners, physical and digital, I think it’s a good moment to take a look at the future. As we -quickly- approach Q4, is everything ready? Do you have at least a marketing plan for sales, discounts, promotions, flyers, holiday sale sheets? Do you need to finalize any printed items? According to TimeAndDate.com You have about 61 days until the official start of Q4 (October 1st). This means you have about two months remaining until Q4.
  • Back to School Month
    • Keep in mind that depending on where your business is located, a lot of schools begin their back to school programs this month. After school programs, changes in hours, and possibly changing events based on school hours may be needed.
  • Happy Birthday Jason Momoa!
    • American actor best known for his roles of Aquaman and Khal Drogo in the Game of Thrones. 


  • National Coloring Book Day
    • As game and hobby stores become more diverse in their offerings, coloring books have become a huge hit. Take today to showcase your coloring books. You could also offer a free coloring page event in store. Crayola offers some great free coloring pages. 
  • Ice Cream Sandwich Day
    • Summer officially ends September 23rd, 2023, until then, let’s keep the summer vibes going. Many bulk stores like Sam’s Club or Costco have plenty of pre-made ice cream sandwiches to give away or sell as a promotion. Consider asking your local ice cream shop about cross-promotions or a temporary stand in your business.
  • International Beer Day
    • If you serve beer in your business, you probably already know it is one of the highest profitable items in the store. Adding another reason to highlight and promote beer sales is a no brainer. Work with your distributors about deals, promotions, and or cross-over advertising.


  • Watermelon Day
    • Did you know that Watermelon is 92% water? That is part of the reason why it is so sweet, delicious and refreshing. It should be in season and readily available.
  • Clean Your Floors Day
    • This is your reminder that deep cleaning your store is needed, don’t neglect your floors. If you are considering joining a program like WPN Premium things like the floors are important. Set up a task list for your staff for detail cleaning all the pesky, often forgotten about areas such as top of bookshelves, under display units, and dusting eye catching display pieces like the life size Mimic by Wizkid’s
  • Mead Day
    • Also known as honey wine, mead is one of the easiest brewed and one of the most home brewed alcoholic beverages. With that said, our friends at Bull and Bee Meadery in New York, have let us know it’s easy to create a mead but takes time to really craft the different flavors and tastes. If you allow “BYOB” [bring your own brews] consider a tasting trade day. Look for a local brewer for a promotion. 
  • Disc Golf Day
    • Disc Golf has been growing in popularity in recent years and some game and hobby stores even carry full lines of Disc Golf. If you carry Disc Golf, today is the day to have your tournament, learn to play, or just general get to know the game day. Sprinkle in some starter promotions and you could have built a new fan base. Here is additional information about Disc Golf.


  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
    • Celebrate by eating cookies! Chocolate Chip is a staple cookie flavor. If you sell cookies, this is a great day to feature and sample your chocolate chip cookie. If you don’t, work with a local bakery to cross-promote or give away to customers. 
  • Friendship Day
    • A day dedicated to friendship and human relationships. Originally created by the Hallmark Greeting Cards in the 1930s to sell greeting cards, we can build a marketing day out of it. Promote two or four player board games as an event in store, two-headed giant Magic the Gathering casual event, or remind people that they probably owe their friend a few bucks and getting them a small gift as a thank you would be nice. Hallmark Greeting Cards would be proud.
  • Sisters Day
    • Celebrate your sister! Consider running an event for pairs or teams of two. Connect with game publishers that have team games or co-op games and look to have sisters team up or face against each other.


  • Blogger Day
    • Originally designed to commemorate the early days of the internet and the first blog style posts on Blogger.com. Today is a great day to take a look at your current blog or articles to do a business plan and check to see if the posts are still relevant to your long term goals and plans. If not, today is a good day to look at that and change direction that fits your needs. If you don’t have one, take a moment to consider starting one to add to your marketing suite of tools to help your business grow. 


  • National Dollar Day
    • On this day in 1786, the United States monetary system was created. That is when the then, brand new United States Government set up what would become the world’s strongest currency that is the basis of the global economy. For us and marketing, today is a great day to focus on clearance. Set some items to $1 and get rid of them for room for your Q4 inventory.


  • Book Lovers Day
    • Designed to be a national day dedicated to books and the wonderful works of the world. We can focus on books that we carry in store. Role Playing, Warhammer’s Black Library, and comics. 


  • Update Your Bio Day
    • This fun holiday is actually designed as a reminder to keep your work resume up to date, which you should do as good practice. As a business owner or manager, we are going to spin this slightly for us and take a moment to update our online hours on the various maps. Be sure to hit up Google, Bing, Apple Maps, Facebook, Yelp, and TripAdvisor to make sure your information is up to date. Also, don’t forget your own website.


  • Happy Birthday Chris Hemsworth
    • Australian actor best known for his roles as Thor in the multi-movie series by the Marvel Avengers. 


  • International Left Handers Day
    • Take a moment to celebrate your left handed friends. Approx. 10% of the population is left-handed!


  • National Back to School Prep Day
    • As summer is drawing to a close students slowly start to prepare for the fact that school will be starting soon. National Big Box Stores have already likely started their back to school advertising and huge displays of notebooks and pens. You could do a “it pays to get grades” club. If a student has A’s or B’s across their report card, reward them with a gift card, entry into an event, or a low cost product of their choice. You also could hold an event to help students in need where entry into the event could be school supplies, which are donated directly to the school or an organization that will disperse them to those who need.


  • Joke Day
    • National Tell a Joke Day! Take to social media and get some engagement. Have some business friendly jokes ready for your staff to use with your customers.


  • Lemonade Day
    • Some cities around the United States focus on helping youth set up lemonade stands and running their own company. Today is a good day to help with some community outreach and be a location for one of these lemonade stands.


  • Women’s Equality Day
    • On this day the 19th Amendment was signed into law giving women the right to vote in the United States. Use today to celebrate the achievements and success of women, especially those you have in your community or employment.


  • Bow Tie Day
    • Bow ties are cool.” – Dr Who, Matt Smith. Using today as a free marketable day, especially if you have a Dr. Who fan base, have your staff wear bow ties and be sure to show off your Dr. Who merchandise today. If you want to turn into a more of a community event, host a look alike contest for whoever can present as the best Matt Smith’s eleventh Doctor of Dr. Who?


  • College Colors Day
    • Geared more for college towns and businesses in or near a college, the Friday before Labor Day is usually known as College Colors Day. If you’re located near a college, use today to express your support to your local college community. Look at your sales history, most colleges have a lot of homecoming events which may add or subtract from your normal walk in sales. 

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