Planning your April marketing campaigns ahead of time is no joke! Remember to take a look and start planning well in advance. Get your copy ready and checked, get your materials designed and proofed, and set those social media posts to auto publish.
Below is a printable calendar for April 2023. Hopefully this easy reference can help you plan events, sales, and marketing. You certainly don’t need to create something for every day. Choose the dates that make sense for you. Every business is different.
Let the joking begin. This is a great day to create something shareable on social media or in store, as a joke. Customers react to the unexpected! If it’s something customers can share or take a photo of, even better.
A day that celebrates one cent, its creation by Benjamin Franklin and its iterations throughout history. Today would also be a great day for clearance, or “Second for a penny!” sales
The intention of this day is to reintroduce young readers
Do It Yourself Day, a day to focus on small home repairs, crafts, and fixer uppers. Today could represent a great day to focus on paint and take’s, paint and sips, or crafting terrain for your war gaming community.
Throw a party. Pick something to celebrate and have a party. This World Day is designed to bring joy and happiness to everyone and celebrate something special, or not special. Unwind and throw a party. The party could also be a special sale, release of a new product, or an announcement of growth in your business. All good reasons to party.
Started in 2003 with the intention of celebrating a staple salad ingredient, today is a great day to celebrate the sweeter side of carrots, like carrot cake! If you have carrots in your menu, featuring them as a side would be great as well. Don’t forget to use it in your social media!
While one of the most important events in the Christian faith, this holiday is also celebrated by children by finding candy and Easter Eggs left by the Easter Bunny. Getting a basket full of toys and treats from parents, or the Easter Bunny, is very popular as well. Don’t forget those pastel colors on your advertisements!
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches are one of the top comfort foods in the United States. If you are a game cafe model store, having a high profit margin item is a great way to market a special product. Feel free to make a very special “today only,” or “this week only” variant of the sandwich. Like a Gruyere, bacon, and tomato grilled cheese.
Scrabble is a great game! It can be used as a teaching tool to expand vocabulary and strategize for the triple word scores! Be sure to focus on the classic or branded versions of the game like the ones from The OP. While games of Scrabble are quite long, try and offer a demo of the game by playing one round, or explaining the basics of the game. Don’t forget to highlight your add-ons or upsells of accessories.

18th – Tax Day
Every business is different. Please consult your CPA or lawyer on your specific needs. April 15th is when most personal income taxes need to be filed by the Federal Government. Most States align with this date as well. This year falls to April 18th because the 15th is a Saturday and not a working business day.
Agree with the use of Cannabis or not, 420 day is a widely advertised and popular day. Marketing around or to 420 and Cannabis users can be slightly tricky depending on your local and state laws. As a reminder, Cannabis is still outlawed by the Federal Government as of writing this.
Convenient that it is the same day as 420 Day, Cheddar Fries day is a pretty straight forward day for those who serve food. Fries and Cheddar are common ingredients and most likely in your kitchen already.
23rd – Take a Chance Day